Evelyn Polk’s work is centred around the found object, but also overlaps with notions of excavation and the land. Acting as a mediator, selecting and presenting items for the consideration of the viewer. The process of how she works is dictated by the objects she finds.  Museums are a strong influence as museums can live in our cupboards and imaginations, awaiting their moment of arrival. Printmaking is a strong factor in Polk’s work where she pushes the boundaries of printmaking to a new refreshing approach which is often thought to be a very traditional medium. The desire to truly understand our relationship with objects through a cross-disciplinary approach is Polk’s focus as an artist.

Self-taught or art school?

I graduated from the Cambridge School of Art where I received a 1st Hons degree in Printmaking/Fine Art.

If you could own one work of art what would it be?

One of Anselm Kiefer’s ‘Palm Sunday’ artworks which were displayed on the wall as part of an installation at the Tate Modern along with the dead palm tree laid on the floor.

How would you describe your style?

I combine printmaking with collage, painting and found objects, sometimes sewing into it as well. So you would call it mixed media I suppose. Printmaking has a strong presence within the work but not always present.

Is narrative important within your work?

It isn’t always, but I imagine the found objects that I base the workaround or include in the artwork have their own stories to tell.

Who are your favourite artists and why?

Anselm Kiefer because of the abstract nature and texture. The way he uses objects within his pieces and writing, they are deeply spiritual.

Jean Michele Basquiat because during his time there wasn’t anyone quite like him. His iconic style and symbolism are fascinating.

Not an artist but a genre, protest art of all kinds, because of its directness and messaging. I like to see art in the streets, it’s so accessible and inclusive.

What or who inspires your art?

Found objects are the direct influence that drives me to make art. I love the unexpected and unplanned aspect of where the next idea may come from depending on what object I will find or someone gives me next. I visit museums regularly where I draw direct links to everyday found objects.

Where’s your studio and what’s it like?

My studio sits at the very end of my garden. It was built by my husband almost entirely from reclaimed materials and fixtures such as an old pub stained glass window along with a wood-burning stove. It’s a unique and special place where visitors marvel at the creativity. I’m so lucky to have that space which is far enough away from the house to stop me from getting distracted.

Do you have any studio rituals?

The only thing I always do when going to the studio is play music before I make any art. Music is an important part of my creative process.

What are you working on currently?

I’m currently working on some painted stone-like abstract shapes of solid colour overlaid with printed linocut angular architectural shapes. Inspired by the shapes and patterns of found rocks/stones.

Where can we buy your art?

You can buy my work by messaging me directly through my website: evelynpolk.vpweb.co.uk and Saatchiart.com