magazine, exhibitions and projects

the flux review

Interview – Janet Cawthorne

Interview – Janet Cawthorne

How has your experience of teaching both Psychology and Art impacted your own artistic style? A background in Psychology certainly laid the foundations for many conceptual elements. Focal areas for...

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Dan Hall – Eternal Youth

Dan Hall – Eternal Youth

Photographer Dan Hall makes his debut at only 17 years old with a crowdfunded show entitled ‘Eternal Youth’ at JM Gallery in London from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 March 2020. ‘Eternal Youth’ showcases...

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Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen

Delighted that the next edition of The FLUX Review will be interviewing the curators of the forthecoming Steve Mcqueen exhibition at the Tate Modern.

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Helen Dyne – Glass Artist

Helen Dyne – Glass Artist

Dyne was born into an artistic family her mother a sculptress her grandmother a painter.   She learned from a young age that she had a natural passion for the arts.  Dyne did not take the path of...

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