Michelle Mildenhall is a UK based artist, whose work explores fetish subcultures, drawing influences from a broad range of sexual fetishes including rubber fetishism, BDSM and sexual objectification. Through her bold imagery, Mildenhall examines both empowerment and vulnerability often by fetishising iconic personalities in her distinctive pop art style. Her work is confronting and has the power to shock and move the viewer, a feeling that is increased further by the use of a restrained palette, seducing the viewer into a world of disconcerting beauty. By using popular but somewhat taboo BDSM themes, her artworks exude sexual association but never touch on obscenity.
Mildenhall’s work is highly individual, each portrait is meticulously constructed using sheet latex and the artist has literally carved a unique niche with her work, which not only appeals to art lovers but to rubber fetishists too. The exact proportions of cut latex shapes are layered to create instantly recognisable portraits with a nod to pop art with expanses of colour.
She adds ”My current series of portraits is a culmination of my study of the medium and my experiences as a latex fetishist. My work has developed around the limitations and nature of the material resulting in very distinctive use of positive/negative space and colour, each piece becoming defined and fetishized via its latex conceptualisation”
Mildenhall has sold pieces worldwide and is gaining widespread attention for her work, exhibiting in many prestigious galleries including the Saatchi Gallery, London; La Luz De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles and Sin City Gallery in Las Vegas. Her work has been featured on several television programs and in the press and her best selling piece QE2 made the front cover of Skin Two, an internationally distributed magazine.

Self-taught or art school?
Self-taught from an early age then art school.
If you could own one work of art what would it be?
There are so many pieces I would love to own but the standout piece would be The Black Cape by Aubrey Beardsley.
How would you describe your style?
Pop art meets erotic art.

Can you tell us about your artistic process?
The first thing I do is get my sketchbook out and draw up the idea, then I recreate it on the computer. I work with blocks of colour and have a very limited, unique colour pallet which I have created myself from scanning my latex sheeting. Then each portrait is meticulously constructed using sheet latex. It’s a material I’ve spent years working with, the exact proportions of cut latex shapes are layered to create instantly recognisable portraits with expanses of colour. Each piece is handmade and individual so no two pieces are the same.

Is narrative important within your work?
Absolutely I want the viewer to be seduced by my work and I feel every piece has a story to tell, some in less obvious ways than others. I create work in which a fascination with the subject evolves, It’s important to me that the viewer experiences different emotions when looking at my work.

Who are your favourite artists and why?
Like I said earlier I am mesmerised by the graphic illustrations of Aubrey Beardsley, the ability to create such beautiful, decadent yet almost grotesque erotica is quite amazing
I really admire the work of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe whose images I find extremely powerful and overwhelming and Amleto Dalla Costa for her simplicity and beauty.
What or who inspires your art?
I find inspiration from everywhere, from Torture Garden to Typography!

Where’s your studio and what’s it like?
My studio is at my home and It’s my sanctuary. I love the space it’s jam-packed full of oddments and erotica, it feels like my mind has sprawled out onto the walls. I spend many hours in there making and creating and I can see the sea from my window and the ever-changing light, It a magical space.

Do you have any studio rituals?
I like to play the piano at least once a day ..it really helps me to relax and take my mind somewhere completely different.

What are you working on currently?
I’m currently working on a collaborative series of portraits with other inspiring artists and a series of “Perverted Pop Art” prints which are based on Japanese Hentai
Where can we buy your art?
You can buy my work from www.michellemildenhall.co.uk or contact me via Instagram – @michellemildenhall