Jen Kiaba – Q&A

Jen Kiaba – Q&A

Jen Kiaba is an artist and educator who grew up in the infamous Unification Church, a religious group referred to by popular media as “the Moonies” and a primary example of a cult. After escaping a forced arranged marriage, she fought her way out in her early twenties. After leaving the cult she went on to earn her BA

Vicky Martin – Q&A

Vicky Martin – Q&A

Vicky Martin is an international award-winning fine art professional photographer from the UK. Her first introduction to photography was whilst studying art and design at college in the 90s, she fell completely in love and found it to be a natural fit creatively, realising that this was what she wanted to do with her life she went on to dedicate her studies to photography. Initially, she started out photographing in black and white but later moved on to colour and now tries to utilise the colour in her photographs to benefit the overall narrative.  Since 2008 after Martin was awarded a prestigious bursary she has been developing her professional career in photography.

Kayee C – Q&A

Kayee C – Q&A

Kayee C is a fine art photographer born and raised in Hong Kong before relocating to France a decade ago. She uses techniques of self-portrait and digital composite to create storytelling images to explore the dynamics of relationships on different levels. Her works can be humorous, dramatic or melancholic staging of a variety of human interactions.

Sarah Rocca – Q&A

Sarah Rocca – Q&A

Sarah Rocca is a self-portrait artist who explores the beauty she sees in the darkness of life. Where you might feel tension or discomfort, Rocca feels a sense of peace and ease when delving into subjects like fear, anxiety and death. This fascination with darkness and beauty can be seen throughout Rocca’s work as she aims to create pieces that ask the viewer to see themselves through her eyes. Rocca’s work portrays single subjects, often in uncomfortable positions, signifying the challenges we face mentally and physically throughout our daily lives. Rocca aims to explore subjects which society would rather sweep under the rug and what social media hides; female sexuality, anxiety, mental health, grief. These are topics which everyone will encounter throughout their lives yet for many they are topics you don’t speak of. Rocca uses her art as a way to tell her own story which allows the viewer to feel like they can relate in one way or another.

Crystal Marshall – Interview

Crystal Marshall – Interview

Crystal Marshall is a contemporary fine artist who lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia. Originally from Kingston Jamaica, Her paintings pay homage to her life’s experiences rooted in cultural disparities in the modern-day African diaspora. Her distinctive personal style emanates isolation, self-reflection and expresses the spirit and atmosphere of the black consciousness in efforts to reconcile its relationship with true identity and image.